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Ian Johnson
Even if relations improve with the government, the Catholic Church in China needs evangelization efforts to grow beyond a devout but tiny membership.
Politics & SocietyNews
Christopher Bodeen - Associated PressNicole Winfield - Associated Press
The ruling Communist Party is again telling members that atheism remains a core value, not to be transgressed.
A protester is taken away by police officers as a prison bus carrying Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong leaves the high court after his sentencing in Hong Kong on Aug. 17. A court overturned sentences that the prosecution said were too light and sent Wong and two other student leaders of huge pro-democracy protests in 2014 to prison. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Hong Kong contributor
The sentences made the young activists Hong Kong’s first political prisoners under Chinese rule and prompted a massive street protest on Aug. 20.
Catholic News Service
"The real thing is that at this moment China and (the) pope have a very good relation," said Argentine Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, chancellor of the pontifical academies of Sciences and of Social Sciences.
Catholic News Service
Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Cardinal John Tong Hon as bishop of Hong Kong. Coadjutor Bishop Michael Yeung Ming-cheung, 70, succeeds the cardinal as head of the diocese.
Protesters mourn jailed Chinese Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo during a demonstration outside the Chinese liaison office in Hong Kong on July 13. Officials say China's most prominent political prisoner, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, has died. He was 61. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Hong Kong contributor
Mr. Liu’s death stoked anger among his supporters because of Beijing’s refusal to allow him to travel abroad to seek treatment. Many also accused the Chinese authorities of withholding information about his illness until it was too late to be treated.