Indian Jesuit Father Stan Swamy marked 100 days in prison with a letter highlighting the cases of poor people languishing in jail who begin their trials without even knowing their criminal charges.
The Vatican on Monday abruptly abandoned its extradition request for an Italian woman wanted on embezzlement-related charges. The case would have tested whether Italy considers the Vatican a place where someone can get a fair trial.
Philip Allen Lacovara, who served as special counsel to Watergate prosecutors, described the president’s call to election officials in Georgia as “a new low in Trumpian mendacity and abuse.”
Israeli police arrested a Jewish man after he allegedly threw a firebomb inside the Basilica of All Nations at Gethsemane Church on the Mount of Olives Dec. 4.
In “Fratelli Tutti,” Pope Francis writes that punishment must include “healing and reintegration into society.” A sentence of life without parole, writes Nicholas Goldrosen, violates this principle.