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Politics & SocietyNews
Bobby Caina Calvan — Associated Press
Jason Rivera was fatally wounded Jan. 21 by a gunman who ambushed them in a hallway as they responded to a family dispute.
Arts & CultureBooks
Mary Gibbons
In his new book about the power of God's radical love, Greg Boyle introduces readers to new experiences in his ministry to former gang members and teaches valuable lessons about inclusivity.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
A retired priest of the Diocese of Arlington, who for seven years oversaw the diocese’s program on protecting minors from clerical sexual abuse, was indicted shortly before Christmas on two counts of sexually abusing a minor.
Jeff Grant – Catholic News Service
Cardinal George Pell, jailed for more than a year for sex abuse crimes he ultimately was cleared of, said the experience enabled him to understand suffering as a redemptive process that allows one to identify closely with Christ.
Politics & SocietyNews
Catholic News Service
“Let us use this moment to rededicate ourselves to the intentional, difficult and uncomfortable work of naming and eradicating systemic racism,” the Atlanta archbishop said in a statement Nov. 24.
Politics & SocietyNews
Carol Zimmermann - Catholic News Service
“We are grateful that the governor has prevented an irreparable mistake.”