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FaithFaith in Focus
Wayne Barr
Where my disability was once restrictive, I now see it as liberating and redemptive.
Christopher Parker
Young adults with autism have few places to turn when the services they received as children end. This leads many autistic adults to live at home for years with parents who worry for their children as they age.
a photo of the new barbie with down syndrome and a photo of the author smiling next to her 13-year-old daughter who has down syndrome and her sister, who is in her 40s, who also has down syndrome
FaithFaith in Focus
Elizabeth Newton
My sister, who has Down syndrome, never had dolls that looked like her growing up. Today, my kids can play with a Barbie who has Down syndrome, which allows all children to welcome people with disabilities.
FaithOf Many Things
Sam Sawyer, S.J.
Mustard Seed Communities began as a response to the needs of abandoned and disabled children in Jamaica, and God is present even in the midst of the suffering faced by people there.
The team at Morcos Nassar Palace. Photo courtesy of L’Arche-Bethlehem, Ma’an lil-Hayat.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Noga Tarnopolsky
The latest boutique hotel to open its doors in Bethlehem’s Old City, just minutes away from Manger Square, is the Morcos Nassar Palace, which doubles as a humanitarian project unique in Palestine and possibly in the Arab world.
Joe Powell-Main in ‘Sleepwalker’ (Royal Ballet)
Arts & CultureTheater
Michelle Smith
“The Church could welcome more artists by creating more events to showcase the talents within their parishes and to foster artist/patron relationships.”