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TABLE SERVICE. Pope Francis visits the Il Chicco community, part of the L’Arche movement, in Ciampino, Italy.
FaithFaith in Focus
Dani Clark
“Our eyes may be for judging, but our hearts are for knowing.”
Politics & SocietyEditorials
The Editors
Two of the most stirring images of the Pope Francis center on a person with a disability.
FaithGeneration Faith
Joey Kane
One special thing about me is that I have Down syndrome. It’s the way I was born.
FaithIn All Things
Austen Ivereigh
BARCELONA Pope Benedict s last visit today was to the Child Jesus Nen Deu project in Barcelona a home for the disabled run by Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart founded by an Anadalusian nun beatified in 2007 nbsp He greeted teenagers with learning difficulties many with Down s Syndrome
FaithFaith in Focus
Carolyn Whitney-Brown
A celibate spiritual leader who is not a priest, a philosopher with a doctoral degree who is not a professor, Vanier is not easily categorized.
Arts & CultureBooks
John J. McLaughlin
In his beautiful and moving Letters to Sam, Daniel Gottlieb, a renowned psychologist who has lived with quadriplegia for 25 years, imparts uncommon wisdom about the lifelong journey of becoming a man.