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FaithShort Take
Colleen Dulle
I can no longer in good conscience call Jean Vanier a saint, but I cannot accept the disturbing truth about him as proof, as some have understood it, that sanctity does not exist.
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
The Pontifical University Regina Apostolorum on the outskirts of Rome hosted the prom night, where people with disabilities had their photos taken on the red carpet, enjoyed a pizza-filled buffet and danced the night away with pop songs selected by a DJ.
Politics & SocietyNews
Julie Asher - Catholic News Service
The National Council on Disability said in a new study that "the dangers and harms" physician-assisted suicide laws present to people with disabilities "appear to be as significant today" as they were in 1997 and 2005, when the council earlier analyzed the harms of such laws.
Catholic News Service
English bishops welcomed a Court of Appeal ruling that a pregnant mentally disabled woman did not need to have an abortion.
Catherine Pepinster - Religion News Service
The Rimmers’ visit brought headlines and an apology from the dean of the chapel and inspired a debate about how churches treat children and adults with autism after Rimmer was asked to remove 9-year-old Tristan, who has autism, for making too much noise.
A prayer gathering at Friendship House in Fayetteville
Yonat Shimron - Religion News Service
At a new residential complex in North Carolina, graduate students and adults with developmental disabilities share living quarters and meet in prayer.