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Politics & SocietyFeatures
John W. Miller
As states continue to close large state-run institutions designed to house large numbers of people with cognitive disabilities, the United States faces a new crisis: a shortage of new nonprofit group homes.
A young girl sitting next to Pope Francis smiles during an audience with Special Olympics athletes participating in the Unified Football tournament, at the Vatican Oct. 13. (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Angelo Jesus Canta
“Maybe one day we will live in a world without disabilities. Wouldn’t that be perfect for modern-day Hitlers?”
Heather Adams - Religion News Service
Karen Gaffney has swum the English Channel, given a TEDx talk and received an honorary doctorate.
Parishioners point at a fallen tree uprooted on the grounds of St. Mary Cathedral in Miami after the passing of Hurricane Irma in September. (CNS photo/Marlene Quaroni, Florida Catholic newspaper)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Kate Stein
It remains to be seen whether new efforts to address vulnerabilities faced by low-income, disabled and elderly people will result in meaningful changes.