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Protesters in San Salvador, El Salvador, demonstrate against mining exploitation March 9. El Salvador passed a law March 29 banning metal mining nationwide, making the small Central American country the first in the world to outlaw the industry.(CNS photo/Oscar Rivera, EPA)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Gene Palumbo
The ban’s proponents say mining practices posed a grave risk to the country’s already limited water supply.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Ellen K. Boegel
Donating to “God” is encouraged through the carrot of an income tax deduction; donating to “Caesar” is tax neutral.
FaithPope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
We must ask ourselves, what do I feel when I see on the news that a bomb has fallen on a hospital and lots of poor children have been killed? Do I just say a prayer and go on my way like before?
Arts & CultureBooks
Charles R. Morris
Charles R. Morris reviews "Economism: Bad Economics and the Rise of Inequality" by James Kwak.
Brunello Cucinelli
FaithFaith in Focus
Luke Burgis
How can we square this effort of a man nicknamed the “King of Cashmere” with a simple pope who has called for a “church which is poor”?
Arthur C. Brooks
El sistema de libre empresa es compatible con nuestra preocupación por los desfavorecidos, escribe un economista y católico converso.