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The Editors
For what we and our forebears have done and failed to do, we ask for forgiveness.
Pope Francis greets Ivan Abrahams, general secretary of the World Methodist Council, during an audience at the Vatican Oct. 19. Members of the World Methodist Council were in Rome to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Joint International Methodist-Catholic Dialogue Commission. (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano)
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
Pope to World Methodist Council: "We too have been freed from the slavery of estrangement and mutual suspicion."
Leopoldo A. Sánchez M.
We need to revisit the views of this 16th-century reformer on hospitality now more than ever.
FaithFaith in Focus
Aana Marie Vigen
Perhaps it is an odd moment for Lutheran fan mail. Yet, ever since you became the Bishop of Rome in 2013, I have become increasingly convinced that you are the pope that Luther was looking for 500 years ago. Here are four reasons why.
Jesuit Father Gregory Schenden, campus chaplain at Georgetown University and the Rev. Bryant Oskvig, Protestant chaplaincy director on the campus, speak in a joint address on Sept. 15 during the university's "1517-2017: Lutherans and Catholics: Then and Now" conference in Washington. (CNS photo/Rafael Suanes, courtesy Georgetown University)
Mark Pattison - Catholic News Service
An event at Georgetown University commemorates the 500th year of the Protestant reformation with a discussion on the progress of Catholic-Lutheran ecumenical efforts, revealing both remaining tensions and improved relations.
Catholic News Service
A leader in ecumenical relations, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor served as Catholic chairman of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission for two decades.