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Politics & SocietyNews
Dave Hrbacek - Catholic News Service
In just the first hour of a scheduled six-hour distribution effort at the school, 64 cars came through to get school supplies, laptops and food.
FaithLast Take
Jenny Cafiso
The denial of education to girls is a violation of their dignity as human beings made in the image of God, writes Jenny Cafiso of Canadian Jesuits International.
FaithFaith and Reason
Matthew D. Walz
Anyone dissatisfied with the current state of elementary and high school education might ask why we don't return to classical educational models.
Politics & SocietyNews
Yonat Shimron - Religion News Service
The report found a total of 2,713 cases of leafleting on and off campus — an average of more than seven per day— nationwide, compared with 1,214 in 2018.
Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario members working in the Ottawa-Carleton, Toronto, Toronto Catholic and York Region District School Boards take part in a one-day full withdrawal of services strike on Jan. 20. Photo courtesy of E.T.F.O.-Ontario.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Dean Dettloff
The job actions, which come alongside strikes by other teachers’ unions across the province, reflect a new breaking point in relations between public educators and the Progressive Conservative government of Ontario, led by Premier Doug Ford.
Wapichan school children in Guyana. Photos courtesy of Leah Casimero
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Ian Peoples
Indigenous primary school students grow up speaking one of several different indigenous languages of the interior of Guyana but when they begin school they encounter a system based on an English-language framework, referencing a culture and experiences they do not share.