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Residents wade through floodwaters from Tropical Storm Harvey Aug. 28 in Beaumont Place, Texas. (CNS photo/Jonathan Bachman, Reuters)
FaithOf Many Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
Please keep praying for us. It truly helps.
Lin Barton surveys the damage at the marina in Rockport where he has lived and worked. (Photos by Jan-Albert Hootsen)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Jan-Albert Hootsen
Residents of coastal towns return to find toppled RV’s, convenience stores without roofs and furniture scattered over the road.
Arts & CultureFilm
Anna Keating
Berry is an advocate of small farms, rural communities and Judeo-Christian values like kindness.
Steam rises from the cooling towers of a nuclear power station in Nogent-Sur-Seine, France. (CNS photo/Charles Platiau, Reuters)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
While their message is a general appeal, it would seem to be addressed to the administration of President Trump, which has taken the decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord.
Catholic News Service
Pope Francis "trusts that the immense and immediate needs of so many individuals and communities will continue to inspire a vast outpouring of solidarity and mutual aid in the best traditions of the nation."
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
The forthcoming joint message will ask people of all faiths "to adopt a respectful and responsible approach toward creation."