A “just war” in Ukraine would be a catastrophe for all parties. But a “just peace” framework that recognizes the root causes of the conflict can bring the U.S., Russia and Ukraine to a mutually beneficial outcome.
With the “further escalation of tension in Ukraine,” the president of the Polish bishops’ conference asked Polish Catholics to continue praying for peace, but also to be prepared to welcome Ukrainian refugees.
The Palace of Westminster’s architecture and design are not proposing a new religion or alternative deity. Rather, they reflect a pre-existing reality, specifically, a Christian imagination.
There is only a slim chance of Vatican approval for resolutions calling for a relaxation of celibacy rules for priests and for permitting women to be deacons.
In the letter, Pope Francis “speaks as a shepherd, as a brother” and “expressed once again his complete trust, his full support and also his prayers,” said the secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein.
Peter Forster, 71, is the fourth Anglican bishop to be received into the Catholic faith in less than a year and the fifth to become a Catholic in the past two years.