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Associated Press
Whether it was the power of her prayers or her T-cells that did it, 116-year-old French nun Lucile Randon has survived COVID-19.
Politics & SocietyNews
Jonathan Luxmoore - OSV News
A prominent Russian Catholic urged his nation's bishops to condemn the mass arrest and beating of protesters, but the Moscow archdiocesan chancellor said the church could not comment on “political matters.”
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
Germany’s Catholic bishops will resume discussions this week to plan the Synodal Path, a set of conferences slated to address controversial questions such as women’s roles and LGBT acceptance, even as the country faces yet another scandal of sexual abuse by clergy.
Politics & SocietyExplainer
Kevin Christopher Robles
Archbishop Gadecki, president of the Polish bishops’ conference, called for protestors and lawmakers to have further talks “on how to protect the right to life and women’s rights.”
Aritz Parra - Associated PressNicole Winfield - Associated Press
The disclosure by the Spanish Jesuits comes as Pope Francis, the church’s first Jesuit pope, has tried to sensitize the church around the globe to the problem of clergy abuse.
Demonstrations in November were conducted all over Spain against the ‘Ley Celaá.’ Photo courtesy of Mas Plurales.
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Bridget Ryder
A new law threatens the viability of government-supported Catholic schools in Spain.