Nicole Winfield and Vanessa Gera, Associated Press
To show how seriously he is taking reports of sexual abuse in Poland, Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of the archbishop of Gdansk and has immediately selected a temporary administrator pending a permanent replacement.
Even at the height of Italy's strict COVID-19 lockdown this spring, migrants arrived. The government said 241 newcomers came in March and 671 arrived in April.
The acquittal of two “right-to-die” activists on July 27 who aided in the suicide of a person suffering from multiple sclerosis may force the Italian government to legalize assisted suicide in the country.
Although more than 100 firefighters contained the blaze within two hours and stopped it from spreading to the main body of the church, a 17th-century choir organ at the west end of the building was destroyed with much of the choir area and multiple stained-glass windows.
A new study has found that the amount of lead that settled to the ground and likely seeped into houses downwind of the fire and within about half a mile of the cathedral was far greater than officials indicated at the time.