Jesuits in Belgium wanted to launch a new school that would reach less-affluent communities, but they were also keenly interested in connecting with “people from different cultural and religious backgrounds.”
With 55% of parishes having closed, attendance at Mass in the Netherlands is continuing to drop, with "peak secularization" yet to come as even more parishes close.
Catholic leaders in Germany have compiled responses from lay Catholics in areas related to who holds power in the church, sexual morals, the role of priests and the place of women in church offices in preparation for an upcoming synodal assembly to debate church reforms.
The far-right nationalists who have used Joan of Arc as a symbol are missing her significance, writes the author of the novel “Saint Joan of New York.”
Locating, identifying and burying these remains is no easy task and has been met with opposition for decades. Strong resentments are still present in countries whose people were victimized by the German army during World War II.