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Michael Brown - Catholic News Service
Catholic Community Services in the Tucson Diocese has reached a tentative agreement with Pima County to turn an unused juvenile detention facility into a temporary shelter for asylum-seekers.
FaithFaith in Focus
Colleen Carroll Campbell
Benedict learned from experience that pushing yourself too hard can be a road to spiritual ruin. There is a fine line between work that glorifies God and work that merely glorifies yourself.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
To preach Jesus is primarily to preach a path, a call to action, not ethical precepts.
James T. Keane
The November 1967 issue of Liturgical Arts presented architectural drawings, conceptual essays and theological reflections on the topic “A Chapel on the Moon: 2000 A.D.”
Simon Caldwell - Catholic News Service
"The evidence shows sadly that the situation is becoming worse," said British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.
Karen Pulfer Focht - Catholic News Service
This year, the Catholic Diocese of Memphis closed the nine Jubilee Catholic Schools at the end of the school year due to financial shortfalls.