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“Now I’m a proud member of this group and feel that my mission is to show my fellow Brazilians the Jewish roots we have — which were taken out from us.”
 Then-Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick attends a reception for new cardinals in Paul VI hall at the Vatican Nov. 20, 2010. Among the new cardinals was Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington, successor to Cardinal McCarrick as archbishop of Washington. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis: “I knew nothing about McCarrick.... If not, I would not have remained silent.”
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
Pope Benedict XVI had imposed restrictions on the public ministry of former Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick in 2008, but they were not formal sanctions and were not followed strictly, even during the papacy of Pope Benedict himself, McCarrick's former secretary said.
FaithShort Take
Pia de Solenni
As a woman in leadership in the church, I think we are having the wrong conversation when we focus so narrowly on the question of women deacons that we fail to see the ways Catholic women can—and already do—lead.
FaithFaith in Focus
Mike Kotsopoulos
At the time of his death, U.S. Army Veteran Timothy Fowl left behind no known friends or family. But every student left school that day keeping Mr. Fowl’s memory alive.
Rhina Guidos - Catholic News Service
Italian bishops have recognized their "moral obligation" to report allegations of clerical sexual abuse to the police, said the head of the Italian bishops' child protection committee.