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America Video
In Deliver Us, host Maggi Van Dorn is a Catholic committed to healing the church from the inside.
America Video
Pope Francis knelt at the feet of the leaders of South Sudan, begging them to give peace a chance and to be worthy "fathers of the nation."
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
Pope Francis knelt at the feet of the leaders of South Sudan, begging them to give peace a chance and to be worthy "fathers of the nation."
FaithNews Analysis
Kevin Clarke
According to Father David Neuhaus, the Israeli political leadership in recent years has “only mouthed support” for a peace process that concludes with two independent states “and now no longer does even that.”

Deliver Us
What does the church need to do for survivors?
Pope Francis pays a pre-Christmas visit to retired Pope Benedict XVI on Dec. 21, 2018, in the Mater Ecclesiae monastery. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
FaithShort Take
Austen Ivereigh
The pope and the pope emeritus are not so far apart: Both Benedict and Francis warn against responding to the abuse crisis with a ’self-made’ church that ignores the Gospel.