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Michael Kelly - Catholic News Service
Church and government officials paid tribute to an aid worker for the church's international development agency who died following a road accident in Guatemala.
FaithFaith in Focus
Barbara Mahany
I—a girl schooled by the Sisters of Loretto and a phalanx of Jesuits—have found my sense of the divine animated by the sacred Jewish lens of wonder and wisdom.
FaithLent Reflections
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
Perhaps we should ask, with the Russian Orthodox monk and theologian Anthony Bloom, “When we think of the absence of God, is it not worthwhile to ask ourselves whom we blame for it?”
Jacob Comello - Catholic News Service
In a statement released April 6, Boston Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley condemned the bills, calling them "threatening to human life and dignity."
James Martin, S.J.
Examen Fifth Sunday of Lent
FaithFaith and Reason
Sean ReynoldsDobie Moser
Scores of lay parish and diocesan leaders have shared that their faith in the church and her leadership has been shaken to its roots.