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Sean Salai
An interview with Duncan G. Stroik, architect, author and professor of architecture at the University of Notre Dame.
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
Lent is a good time to concentrate on fighting the urge to gossip about others and instead trying to correct one's own faults and defects.
Jim McDermott
“We respect him and his office,” she told America. “But right now the issue of clergy sexual abuse is so much in the news, and the issue of covering up.” Cardinal Mahony, she said, is a “symbol of this.”
James Martin, S.J.
Instead of giving up something for lent, how about doing something positive? How about this: Be kind.
Catholic News Service
The Missouri House of Representatives Feb. 27 passed the Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act, an omnibus bill that bans abortion when the heartbeat of an unborn child can be detected.
Ashley McKinless
Every day and on every continent women religious are doing life-saving, cutting-edge work in hospitals and research laboratories, refugee camps and prisons. Dawn Araujo-Hawkins tells their stories.