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Catholic News Service
Senior Catholic sources told ucanews.com that Pope Francis would arrive in Myanmar Nov. 27 for four nights.
Richie Fernando and Totet Banaynal
Colleen Dulle
A young Jesuit who died shielding his students from a grenade blast is now on the path to sainthood.
Haidee V Eugenio, Steve Limtiaco & Dana M Williams - Religion News Service
The complaints detail alleged attacks from 1955 through 1994 and claim some religious leaders knew of the exploitation and ignored it. 
FaithPope Francis Homilies
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
Summertime can and should be a time for extra prayer, a moment of peace that allows Christians to savor the joy of their relationship with Jesus and find new strength to reach out with love to others, Pope Francis said.
Sean Salai
An interview with Bret Thoman, a pilgrimage guide and the author of St. Clare of Assisi: Light from the Cloister.
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
The Vatican urged Maduro "to suspend ongoing initiatives such as the new Constituent Assembly, which, rather than fostering reconciliation and peace, encourages a climate of tension and confrontation and mortgages the future."