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Retired Bishop Gordon D. Bennett of Mandeville, Jamaica, poses for a photo with an attendees of the 12th National Black Catholic Congress on July 9 in Orlando. (CNS/courtesy Nancy Jo Davis, National Black Catholic Congress)
Anna J. Marchese
The Catholic Church in the United States boasts 71 million members, 2.9 million of whom are black. Representatives from that vibrant community met in Orlando in July for the National Black Catholic Congress. The event concluded with the prophet Micah’s call to “act justly, love goodness and walk humbly with your God.”
Zac Davis
Working out for the body of a god? What about the body of a convict?
FaithVantage Point
William W. MacDonald
This article appeared as “Luther and Catholic Historians,” on Oct. 21, 1967. 
FaithThe Word
The Canaanite woman’s stubborn prayer is a genuine example of the faith of Israel.
FaithThe Word
Matthew took an account that affirmed Jesus’ divinity and crafted it into a lesson on the power of faith.