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Kim Hjelmgaard - USA Today (RNS)Jane Onyanga-Omara - USA Today (RNS)
The judge in the case could rule that 11-month-old Charlie should be moved from a London hospital to a hospice and his life-support machines will be turned off shortly afterward unless his parents come up with alternative arrangements acceptable to the High Court.
Photo by Michael O'Loughlin
Michael J. O’Loughlin
Ms. Cook said she often witnessed individuals climbing the rickety wooden steps leading up to the memorial. “It was the saddest thing you’ve ever seen. You just wanted to cry,” she said, recalling the mothers, in particular, mourning the loss of their dead sons.
Doreen Abi Raad - Catholic News Service
Nearly 500 young people from other countries joined 1,000 Maronite Catholic youths from Lebanon for World Maronite Youth Days.
(CNS photo/Michael Roytek, courtesy Boy Scouts of America)
Catholic News Service
Archbishop Pierre said the Scouts are called to be "leaven" in a world today that "is plagued by isolation, selfishness and individualism. In contrast, Scouts know something about being together, including others, and teamwork."
FaithLast Take
Margot Patterson
It’s not just for the family. It’s for you.
FaithFaith in Focus
Patty Breen
I thought I had the perfect Catholic fairy tale: Meet and a date a former seminarian. Seven months after I got married, my world was utterly shattered.