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FaithFaith in Focus
Simcha Fisher
It is not always as easy spiritually to receive Communion as it is physically.
Pope Francis celebrates Mass on the feast of Corpus Christi June 18 outside Rome's Basilica of St. John Lateran. (CNS/Tony Gentile, Reuters)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
In less than three weeks, Pope Francis has reshuffled the top leadership of the C.D.F.
Dennis Sadowski - Catholic News Service
Allowing the pipeline through the property would run contrary to the congregation's Land Ethic.
James Martin, S.J.
Let the conversation continue.
America Video
Fr. James Martin, S.J., answers the five most common questions and critiques about “Building a Bridge.”
Gerard O’Connell
The editor of the Jesuit review La Civiltà Cattolica speaks on the alliance between “fringe” Catholics and evangelical fundamentalists.