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Cardinal Gerhard Müller greeting Pope Francis during the 2014 synod on the family. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Gerard O’Connell
This appointment ensures that the C.D.F. is rowing with and not against the pope on key issues, including the interpretation of “Amoris Laetitia,” synodality and cooperation with the commission for the protection of minors.
FaithFaith in Focus
Augustine Himmel
Even the author's suicide does not exclude him from God's mercy.
Gerard O’Connell
After initial silence from the Vatican in response to news that Müller would not be reconfirmed, an official statement is expected at noon in Rome on July 1.
FaithThe Word
Jesus knew the same risks we would face, and still taught us to “grow together.”
FaithThe Word
Matthew’s community struggled to understand why so few believed in Jesus. How was it possible, they wondered, that friends and loved ones heard the same message but did not grasp its implications?