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The Editors
Part III of the three-part series: Deacons, Women and the Call to Serve
FaithIn All Things
Andrew Chesnut
While other manifestations of Mary claim at most a region or country, Guadalupe is the only one to reign over two continents.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
We need not see prayer as activity for a solo operator only.
Caravaggio's Adoration of the Shepherds (via Wikimedia Commons)
FaithThe Word
Michael Simone, S.J.
Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy! (Lk 2:10)
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
His point was that a mundane action, carried out in a disciplined way, can be transformative. So it is with prayer.
FaithThe Good Word
Elizabeth Kirkland Cahill
Dec. 10, Second Saturday of Advent