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FaithIn All Things
Peggy McDonald, I.H.M.
When I heard the news that the U S Bishops had heartily endorsed the advancement of the sainthood cause of Dorothy Day at their annual Fall General Assembly in Baltimore my heart leapt for joy that this remarkable 20th century Catholic lay woman was at last being recognized as a true model of holi
FaithFaith in Focus
James Martin, S.J.
Mary is not happy simply for herself; she is happy for what this means for Israel, for God’s people.
FaithIn All Things
Michael J. O’Loughlin
Along with family and friends, my faith offers hope, makes sense of a sometimes-confusing existence, and challenges me, disallowing complacence and self-satisfaction.
FaithIn All Things
John A. Coleman
Every once in a great while I chance upon a spiritual book which I not only delight in reading but also want to chew on and ponder prayerfully and save to share with others One such is Richard Rohr's 'Job and the Mystery of Suffering.'
FaithFaith in Focus
Michael J. O’Loughlin
Finding balance in long-distance running
FaithShort Take
Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
How a new generation of theologians is reshaping the church.