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Women hold children while sifting through plastic bottles at a recycling factory in Mohammadpur, Bangladesh, Oct. 26. (CNS photo/Abir Abdullah, EPA)
FaithIn All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
No religious community can exempt itself from responsibility for the earth.
Grace Woo, featured in the video below, is a senior at the Catholic University of America.
FaithIn All Things
Ashley McKinless
Can you be pro-life and a feminist? What about a pro-life socialist?
Pope Francis speaks at the Jesuits' 36th general congregation in Rome Oct. 24. Pope Francis, a Jesuit, met his Jesuit brothers after the election of a new superior but did not participate in the election. (CNS photo/Don Doll, S.J.)
Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope to address a general congregation.
Sidney Callahan
Seekers of spirituality and meaning exist everywhere, in and out of religion, and Haight wishes to reach them.
FaithThe Word
John W. Martens
“For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us” (2 Thes 3:7)
Michael J. O’Loughlin
A new website called Catholic Women Preach will publish videos of women breaking open Scripture.