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FaithFaith in Focus
James M. Schellman
The ministry of the reader at Mass is pivotal to the whole liturgical celebration.
Thomas G. Plante
As predicted, the release on Feb. 27 of the report prepared by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice on sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy created another sizable aftershock in the crisis that has shaken the Catholic Church.
Lawrence S. Cunningham
It always disappoints me a bit when the celebrant at Mass chooses Eucharistic Prayer 1 (the Roman Canon) and skips the invocation of the saints, that resonant list of early martyrs recited before and after the institution narrative. The omission is all the more disappointing since one of those lists
FaithFaith in Focus
James Martin, S.J.
When I think about the Holy Family I remember other holy families as well, the ones who brought me up in the faith, who showed me how to love and who taught me how to celebrate Christmas.
FaithThe Word
Dianne Bergant
As we stand on the threshold of the feast, we begin to realize that the radiance of God can shine forth through faithfulness in the ordinary events of life.
A large group of people face a sunset on the beach.
FaithFaith in Focus
Mary Stommes
My family and my church have been instrumental in helping me to discover that I am part of something a whole lot larger than just me. Being one of many is really who I am at my core.