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FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
To celebrate Christ as king is to enter into the deepest mysteries of faith.
FaithNews Analysis
James Martin, S.J.
Facing the challenges and accepting the gifts offered by homosexual priests in the Catholic Church
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
As Mark’s Jesus walks toward Jerusalem and his death, he comes across an assorted group of little people who embody Gospel values.
Donald Cozzens
A generation has elapsed since the close of the Second Vatican Council, and the church has underscored the council’s extraordinary ecclesial and historical significance by beatifying, this Sept. 3, Pope John XXIII. At the same time, however, the beatification of Pope Pius IX highlighted the ti
FaithIn All Things
Ladislas Orsy
The achievements of the pontificate of John Paul II were possible precisely because he inherited a living church, not one frozen in time.
FaithThe Word
John R. Donahue
As the days shorten and the beautiful autumn colors begin to fade the church reminds us of both the splendor and frailty of Christian life Goodness and love of God and neighbor in the lives of countless and nameless holy ones have illumined our way but they have departed as we commemorate the fea