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FaithIn All Things
James Martin, S.J.
In preparation for John Henry Newman s beatification this reflection on his complicated life and legacy from The Boston Globe Born in 1801 Newman would make both a fascinating and controversial saint An eminent clergyman Newman spent much of his life in the orbit of Oxford University where
FaithThe Word
Barbara E. Reid
Disciples must act as brother and sister toward those who are different, whether by physical ability or any other status marker. For some disciples, this new family will cause tension and even rupture in one’s biological family.
FaithIn All Things
James Martin, S.J.
A healthy antidote to Scriptural literalism of any sort 
FaithThe Word
Barbara E. Reid
Freeing the heart from attachment to anything but God’s love and God’s realm is the next step in obedience.
FaithFaith in Focus
James Martin, S.J.
An excerpt from ‘The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything,’ by Father James Martin
FaithIn All Things
Michael J. O’Loughlin
In many respects, the U.S. Army and the Catholic Church could not be more dissimilar institutions. Both have radically different missions, divergent access to resources, and, seemingly, heterogeneous cultures.