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Peter Hebblethwaite
On the 23rd anniversary of the great Jesuit's passing, an excerpt from an article that was included in a special issue devoted to Father Pedro Arrupe on the occasion of his death in 1991.
Karl RahnerHans Kung
When Hans Küng's Infallible? An Inquiry appeared in 1971, it drew ample praise and blame, including sharp criticisms by his theological colleague, Karl Rahner, S.J.. AMERICA carried discussions of the book's theological and philosophical aspects by
FaithVantage Point
Andrew M. Greeley
There has risen up a New Breed that was all but invisible five years ago.
FaithVantage Point
Marie S. Myers
An argument against the fashion requirements of Catholic schools
FaithVantage Point
John Courtney Murray

I write this just after the completion of the fourth general congregation in this second session of Vatican Council II. In four days, the conciliar Fathers and the attached experts have listened to 59 speeches by cardinals and bishops. It is already possible to give some idea of what is happening here.

FaithVantage Point
Francis X. Murphy, C.Ss.R.
Any attempt to evaluate all the accomplishments of the Second Vatican Council's first session would be not only presumptuous but also premature. Some things, however, may be profitably noted.