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Tucker Redding, S.J.
Watch as Jesus calls Levi the tax collector and they share a meal together, while the Pharisees and scribes ridicule Jesus for his embrace of outcasts.
FaithPope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis
"Dear brothers and sisters, may our holy father Ignatius help us to preserve discernment, our precious legacy, as an ever timely treasure to be poured out on the Church and on the world."
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
“The people who come are not dead in a technical sense, but they have lost their lives. And they don’t have a new one yet, so they are terribly beaten, and terribly vulnerable.”
A thin golden crucifix over a black background.
FaithFaith in Focus
Mark Joseph Williams
By listening we all walk together. Along the route of life we must encourage forgiveness but not exoneration.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Mar. 20, 2022, the Third Sunday of Lent: The Gospel echoes the focus on repentance from the beginning and ending of Lent and the necessity of growing along the way.
Bishop Cipollini prays with the faithful during a 'missionary pastoral visit' to São Caetano do Sul, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in September 2016. Photo courtesy: Diocese of Santo André
Filipe Domingues
“It is clericalism that prevents the church today from being missionary,” Bishop Cipollini said. “I have great hope that the synod on synodality can make clericalism collapse—perhaps not entirely, but at least in its major strongholds.”