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Students hold placards as they demonstrate to demand global action on climate change as part of the "Fridays for Future" movement in São Paulo March 15, 2019. The banner reads: "Hey Ricardo Salles, climate change is not fake news." The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences hosted a workshop Sept. 13-14 on the "post-truth" era in communications. (CNS photo/Amanda Perobelli, Reuters)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis to young people: “You have been entrusted with an exciting but also challenging task: to stand tall while everything around us seems to be collapsing; to be sentinels prepared to see the light...to be builders amid the many ruins of today’s world; to be capable of dreaming.”
Pope Francis shakes hands with Bernice King, daughter of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., during a private audience at the Vatican.
Gloria Purvis
Gloria Purvis talks with Bernice King about how white Christians have responded to racist incidents, the concept of racial colorblindness and the New Testament roots of nonviolent resistance.
FaithFaith in Focus
Jim McDermott
If some of your family members aren’t vaccinated, you might have some hard choices to make this holiday season. St. Ignatius can help.
FaithFaith in Focus
Jim McDermott
One of the best parts of Christmas is hearing about how other people celebrate it. And in Venezuela, they have all-night roller skating, which ends with everyone skating to Mass at dawn.
Why not use the opportunity to buy fewer and simpler gifts? (iStock/Zolga_F)(iStock/Zolga_F)
FaithLast Take
Tsh Oxenreider
The supply chain crisis may mean emptier shelves and later deliveries this Christmas season. So why not use the opportunity to buy fewer and simpler gifts?
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
We are reminded to interact with people beyond our household; different experiences and perspectives enrich our lives and increase our wisdom.