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Claire Giangravé - Religion News ServiceFrederick Nzwili - Religion News Service
Some have suggested that the attack may have been a warning for the Catholic Church to keep out of the political disputes in South Sudan.
FaithNews Analysis
Robert David Sullivan
About two-thirds of white U.S. Catholics are accepting of the Covid vaccine—a higher rate than any religious group other than Jews. But it is unclear whether the high vaccination rate is a matter of faith or of demographics.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Francis shocked the world when he traveled to Iraq earlier this year despite the ongoing pandemic. And the 84-year-old pope hopes to visit several more countries in the second half of 2021.
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
“Be poor like the holy, faithful people of God are poor,” he told nine men just before ordaining them to the priesthood for the Diocese of Rome. “Don't be climbers” seeking some kind of “ecclesiastical career.”
FaithFaith in Focus
Gregory Hillis
When Brother Frederic Collins arrived at the abbey of Gethsemani, he was a product of his upbringing. A businessman with a degree in business, he was uncritical of U.S. free-market capitalism. Then he met Merton.
This week on Jesuitical, Zac and Ashley talk with Nathan Schneider about the legacy of Occupy Wall Street 10 years later and his friendship with the Jesuit priest and activist, Dan Berrigan.