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Kevin Christopher Robles
In 2015, Father Leo O’Donovan presided over the funeral Mass for Beau Biden following his death from brain cancer. Tomorrow, he will deliver the invocation at Joe Biden’s inauguration.
FaithFaith and Reason
Massimo Faggioli
At this juncture in American political and religious history, John Courtney Murray has something to say for the Catholic Church trying to recover a sense of itself in the public square.
FaithFaith in Focus
Patrick Hall
Raised Catholic, I was familiar with St. Paul’s words. But it took an unforgettable trip to Alaska for me to appreciate what they might mean in my own life. 
FaithShort Take
Marcia Chatelain
Dr. King and St. Ignatius found themselves needing to turn inward to feel the graces that would inspire their hearts and their pens to share how God was working through them in moments of personal strife.
Catholic News Service
With “social injustice, division and conflict” threatening the common good, people need to rediscover and recommit to the vision of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Pope Francis said.
FaithFaith in Focus
Erika Rasmussen
What are we to do with the fact that the insurrectionists and presumably many more of President Trump’s supporters really treat this man like a messiah?