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FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Actions reveal character and intention more than words do.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
In today’s reading, the entire community is given authority to hold its members to account and rectify wrongful acts.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
This problematic parable teaches the importance of mercy, asking for help and granting relief to those in need.
Colleen Dulle
Archbishop Stefan Hesse, Germany’s youngest bishop, said he was entering reform talks with an open mind.
FaithFaith in Focus
Simcha Fisher
Remote, in-person or home schooling: They are all impossible. So why worry about failing?
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
In our baptism, each of us has been chosen. So many others in this world have not. We must constantly ask ourselves: Why?