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James T. Keane
What would a Biden/Harris presidential win mean for abortion politics in the United States?
FaithFaith in Focus
Carolyn Alessio
Just feeling good is spiritually different from the sensation of feeling one’s “heart drawn to God,” even if the circumstances are outwardly negative, bleak.
FaithNews Analysis
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
Joe Biden’s faith is more likely to be influenced by the quiet counsel of women in habits or one’s own conscience than the edicts of men in miters.
Elana Schor, Associated Press
Four faith leaders from three religious traditions are scheduled to speak on Thursday, the convention's final day.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
We use the words “mystery” and “miracle” not to say that science has been stumped but rather to express the expansive claim that an event makes upon us.
Colleen Dulle
It has been two years since the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report was published, documenting in disturbing detail at least 1,000 cases of abuse by 300 predator priests spanning seven decades.