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FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, the older brother of Benedict XVI, died on July 1 at the age of 96.
Kukama boys watch boats on the Amazon's Maranon River near Dos de Mayo in Peru's Loreto region. As the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic increasingly exposes fault lines between the rich and poor, the eight bishops of Peru's Amazonian region have urged the government to pay particular attention to the needs of indigenous people. (CNS photo/Barbara Fraser)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Vatican officials said the Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon aims to be “an effective channel for taking up, from within the territory, many of the proposals that emerged” at the Pan-Amazonian synod.
David Crary - Associated Press
There has been a huge overall surge in allegations over the past three years as dioceses faced unprecedented pressure to address the decades-old problem of clergy sex abuse.
Catholic News Service
In 2015, some people objected to the canonization of the Spaniard, like critics did of his beatification in 1988, because of questions about how Father Serra treated the native peoples of California and about the impact of Spanish colonization on native peoples throughout the Americas.
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
Since the establishment of the first Catholic newspapers in the United States, the pope said, local communities have relied on the ever-expanding forms of media "to share, to communicate, to inform and to unite."
FaithVantage Point
J. Desmond Gleeson
In this article from the Dec. 5, 1931, issue of America, J. Desmond Gleeson laments the economic devastation of the Great Depression, noting that it came about without warning.