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Our friend and former co-host returns to talk about the killing of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter and the role of the Catholic Church in the fight for racial justice.
The archbishop designated by Pope Francis to the Archdiocese of Washington, Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory, speaks during a news conference as Cardinal Donald Wuerl looks on, at Washington Archdiocesan Pastoral Center in Hyattsville, Maryland, on April 4, 2019. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
Jack Jenkins - Religion News Service
Michael Voris, the founder of Church Militant, repeatedly refers to Gregory as “the African Queen” throughout the video.
J.D. Long García
It is not uncommon to see a Tesla or a Lexus among the cars in line for food donations at parishes in the diocese.
U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted June 11 that he was "honored" by an open letter written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who served as nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016. In the letter, the former nuncio claimed that lockdown restrictions and unrest in the United States were part of a plot to establish a new world order. (CNS photo/Twitter)
FaithNews Analysis
Michael J. O’Loughlin
The views put forth by Archbishop Viganò in his letter to the president are far outside the mainstream of U.S. and global Catholicism.
Michael Brown - Catholic News Service
The number of homeless has continued to grow. The 2018-19 season averaged about 85 homeless a night. The past season averaged 90-95 each night.
FaithFaith in Focus
Alvan I. Amadi
I am a black priest in a predominantly white, rural parish. Answering this question is more urgent than ever.