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“Everything I took for granted.”
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The 30th Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr. Adolfo Nicolás, died in Tokyo, Japan on May 20th at the age of 84. On "Behind the Story," Fr. James Grummer, superior of the Pontifical Gregorian University Jesuit Community and former regional assistant to Fr. Nicolás, joins Executive Editor Sebastian Gomes for a conversation on Fr. Nicolás' legacy.

Jesuit Father Arturo Sosa, right, greets the previous superior general, Jesuit Father Adolfo Nicolas, after his election in Rome Oct. 14, 2016. (CNS photo/Don Doll, S.J.)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Father Nicolás “was not the kind of leader who says, ‘I am the one who knows everything.’ He really trusted in people, and he listened.”
FaithFaith in Focus
Angelo Jesus Canta
Lay-led liturgies cannot be an adequate substitute for the Mass. Nothing can. But they can help move through these anxiety-ridden times.
What the “nones” actually believe and worship
Pope Francis meets with national directors of the pontifical missionary societies, which include the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, the Missionary Childhood Association, the Society of St. Peter Apostle and the Missionary Union of Priests and Religious at the Vatican June 1. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
The church’s mission “is the work of the Holy Spirit and not the consequence of our ideas and projects,” the pope said.