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Valentine Iwenwanne - Catholic News Service
Nigeria has seen an increase in the rates of tuberculosis and Hansen's disease. Late diagnosis and lack of effective tools for prevention and treatment have contributed to the lack of an effective model to predict their spread
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis also called on world leaders “to invest in health care as the primary common good.”
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
As countries continue to reel from the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis offered prayers for the men and women who have been unable to work.
Photo: Gabriel Benois/Unsplash
J.D. Long García
Helping parishes learn how to livestream. Writing letters. Youth ministry has changed during the coronavirus pandemic.
Pope Francis prays before a sculpture of Mary and the Christ Child at the end of Mass May 7, 2020, in the chapel of his Vatican residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis also drew attention to Africa and recalled that 40 years ago, St. John Paul II spoke out about the plight of the people of the Sahel.
FaithSunday To Sunday
America Video

Paulist Father Ricky Manalo is a gifted composer/liturgist, and preacher. He has traveled Asia, and lived in Beijing and Hong Kong, and is an expert on Asian Pacific Catholics. We have the rare opportunity to witness first-hand Father Ricky's unique ministry – as a preacher at Mass and as a musician at the Yamaha grand piano. In this episode of Sunday to Sunday, Father Mike Russo visits Father Ricky at Old Saint Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco.