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Catholic News Service
The Archdiocese of San Francisco is offering $1,000 grants to each parish that commits to supporting the program with the funds to be used to purchase groceries.
FaithFaith in Focus
Leo J. O’Donovan, S.J.
Loving God, in the midst of our world’s—your world’s—coronavirus crisis, we beg to bring before you the brave women and men who are closest to the sick and suffering.
FaithFaith in Focus
Shannen Dee Williams
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, I have thought often about Sister Mary Anthony Duchemin and the extraordinary sacrifice that she made to the church and community at large in 1832.
FaithShort Take
Michael Bayer
The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed a kind of American Catholic exceptionalism, writes Michael Bayer. In fact, other Catholics, now and throughout history, have not had regular physical access to the sacraments.
FaithFaith in Focus
Paul Venables
If St. Ignatius Loyola had a tagline, it would be “God in all things.” And he would probably hate it.
Joe Ruff - Catholic News Service
Not only are public Masses suspended and people lack that weekly touchpoint with their parish, people also have lost jobs or been furloughed, and some are cutting back on expenditures because they fear for the future.