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FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis warned against “the risk” of “being struck by an even worse virus” than Covid-19, namely “selfish indifference.”
Inside the Vatican
This week on "Inside the Vatican," Molly Burhans explains how location data can help the church use its resources more efficiently to extend care to the greatest number of people.
In an editorial published April 17, 2020, by the Spanish magazine Vida Nueva, Pope Francis said Christians are called to be joyful witnesses to Christ's victory over death during the coronavirus pandemic. (CNS file photo/Paul Haring)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis says our experience today mirrors in many ways that of the disciples of Jesus after his death and burial in the tomb. Like them, “we live surrounded by an atmosphere of pain and uncertainty,” and we ask, “Who will roll away the stone [from the tomb?]”
Thomas Levergood
Cardinal George had much to teach us about the ways in which "reason finds itself strengthened in its dialogue with faith, and vice versa."
Eve Tushnet
The value of work is that it gives structure to life’s chaos; it is simple, intelligible even when your own heart is baffling; it lets you be of service to others, making every job well done a kind of living amends; and, above all, good work brings humility.
FaithFaith in Focus
Julia Walsh
I visualized the monstrance standing still and silent within the closed tabernacle.