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FaithFaith in Focus
Kerry Weber
당신은 “모든 병과 질병을 치유하시면서” 도시와 마을을 여행 하셨습니다.
Mark Pattison - Catholic News Service
Pope Francis' favorability numbers are up among Catholics who are, or lean, Democratic, as well as those who are, or lean, Republican.
An Iraqi man wearing a protective face mask gives a bottle of water to a homeless man in Basra on April 2. (CNS photo/Essam al-Sudani, Reuters) 
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
“The worst virus is not Covid-19,” Father Sosa said, “but the injustice that does not let so very many people live a dignified human life.”
FaithYour Take
Our readers
In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, many dioceses have suspended in-person Masses or dispensed Catholics from their Sunday Mass obligation.
FaithFaith in Focus
Jon M. Sweeney
As Christians have become more familiar and neighborly with people of other religious traditions, we have extended that familiarity to appreciation, and sometimes appreciation becomes appropriation. 
FaithOf Many Things
America Staff
In Memoriam | Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. | February 12, 1931—March 29, 2020 | 10th Editor in Chief, 1975 to 1984