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Mark Pattison - Catholic News Service
Outreach efforts continue in large part, but with creative twists, according to Catholic Charities affiliates and other church-run social service agencies throughout the United States.
Inside the Vatican
In this episode of “Inside the Vatican,” the hosts cover how Pope Francis and other Vatican leaders are making a concerted effort to draw people’s attention to the major ethical questions arising from the coronavirus pandemic.
Nancy Frazier O'Brien - Catholic News Service
Throughout the United States, thousands of women religious took on nursing duties in hospitals or clinics and went into private homes to offer food, medicine, comfort and even housecleaning to families affected by the Spanish flu.
Catholic News Service
He died at Wyckoff Hospital Medical Center in Brooklyn from complications related to the coronavirus and is believed to be the first Catholic priest in the United States to die as a result of COVID-19.
Marnie McAllister - Catholic News Service
Parishioners are taking part in phone trees, calling to check on vulnerable members of the parish. Others are donating grocery store gift cards to help families in need.
Colleen Dulle
While this physical separation from our parish communities is only temporary, it has real spiritual implications.