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FaithFaith in Focus
Kerry Weber
Jesucristo, sánanos.
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
Pope Francis asked people to pray for government officials and leaders who are tasked with making critical decisions and taking drastic measures that may make people unhappy.
FaithFaith in Focus
Catholic News Service
Under your protection, we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God.
Theresa Laurence - Catholic News Service
Bishop J. Mark Spalding has visited the affected pastors and churches in Nashville and offered prayers of support for all those suffering from the trauma of the disaster.
Colleen Rowan - Catholic News Service
Fingerprinting is now required of the bishop; all priests and deacons; all seminarians; all Catholic school principals, teachers, staff and certain volunteers; as well as chancery staff.
Inside the Vatican
On “Inside the Vatican” this week, America’s Vatican correspondent Gerard O’Connell details what it’s like living in Rome under the lockdown and how the Holy See and the pope are handling the crisis.