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FaithLast Take
Jenny Cafiso
The denial of education to girls is a violation of their dignity as human beings made in the image of God, writes Jenny Cafiso of Canadian Jesuits International.
Nicholas D. SawickiVivian Cabrera
It’s Friday and we know what you want to know: What fish sandwich should you eat today?
Each day, George Williams, S.J., passes through metal doors plastered with the word “CONDEMNED” to minister to the men of San Quentin State Prison.
Mohammed Daraghmeh - Associated Press
Built on the grotto where Christians believe Jesus was born, the church joins a list of prominent tourist and holy sites to shutter their doors in the wake of rising fears over the spread of coronavirus.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
Lord, why do you grant me the grace to see you so clearly, yet deny this same gift to the one whom I so desperately love?
Catholic News Service
His statement came in response to angry reaction to the Mass by Robert Hoatson, co-founder of Road to Recovery, an sexual abuse victims' advocacy group.