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Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
A delegation led by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson and including the organization's board of directors was in Rome to celebrate the 100th anniversary of their active presence in Rome.
Rhina Guidos - Catholic News Service
Cardinal Dolan, in the midst of a six-day mission visit, his first to the island, thanked the three religious sisters of the order of St. Camillus of Lellis "for your example" after celebrating Sunday Mass with them and a group of more than two dozen residents of the facility.
James Martin, S.J.
The Rev. James Martin, S.J. leads listeners through a guided reflection on forgiveness and reconciliation.
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
The Pontifical University Regina Apostolorum on the outskirts of Rome hosted the prom night, where people with disabilities had their photos taken on the red carpet, enjoyed a pizza-filled buffet and danced the night away with pop songs selected by a DJ.
The Editors
Perhaps Catholics in the United States might redouble their efforts to give alms this Lent and to reflect in greater depth on the spiritual benefits the practice can bring.
Anna Keating
These days, we frequently read headlines and wonder if it is already too late.