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Georgetown University's LGBTQ Resource Center is, says Father Martin, a model for other Catholic colleges and universities. (CNS photo/Elizabeth Bachmann) 
James Martin, S.J.
Father James Martin on how to best care for people who have probably doubted they are loved by God.
James Martin, S.J.
Simeon and Anna's story is a reminder of the virtue of patience and the necessity of waiting in the Christian life, even if you are prophets like they were.
Maria Wiering - Catholic News Service
In a homily Father VanDenBroeke gave on Jan. 5, the feast of the Epiphany and, in Minnesota, Immigration Sunday, he acknowledged the complexity of immigration as a political issue and that the Bible challenges Catholics to "welcome strangers."
Carolyn Thompson - Associated Press
"In response to the magnitude of the number of claims, lawsuits and alleged damages, the (Central Administrative Offices) has determined that a filing of a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code is imminent," the diocese's 2019 financial report said.
Mychael Schilmoeller was part of a delegation of young adults who accompanied their bishops on their “ad limina” visit to Rome to meet with Pope Francis.
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
“The pope is an Argentinian concerned for his fatherland and for his people. He loves the Argentinians very much.”